Tip of the Week: Hit the Ball Towards Your Opponent to Set Up Hitting Away From Your Opponent


The better the player, the more difficult it is to win the point by hitting the ball away from them. Sometimes hitting the ball right towards them is a great way to draw a weaker shot, which you can then direct away from them. 

It is often more difficult to get out of the way of the ball than it is to run it down. Many professional players use the “body serve” to keep the opponent from getting a good swing at the ball resulting in a weak reply. This can also work during a regular baseline rally-deep and right towards the player can really get them off balance and make an offensive reply difficult.

Try hitting towards a player’s body at net (not to hit them, but to jam them) and move forward as the volley is likely to be short and/or weak. This idea goes against human nature but I think you will be surprised by the effectiveness of this strategy.

Steve Annacone, USPTA Elite Pro, is the Director of Annacone Tennis (http://www.annaconetennis.com). For details on lessons and clinics at Sag Harbor Park Tennis and throughout the Hamptons contact sannacone@aol.com or management@annaconetennis.com or call 865-300-7323

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March/April 2024 Digital Edition